Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's The Real Deal Folks!

Gimmick, or the Real Deal?

K-Star of SFCF had a great post last week titled “Not a Gimmick.” The post was perhaps the best summation of why CrossFit methods are so efficient and effective at making folks fitter. In response to a question of why CrossFit methods are so popular and successful, K-Star said, “Because, it’s not a gimmick. Front-Squatting and Running isn’t a gimmick.”

The SFCF post goes on to point out that “[m]arrying together Olympic sports is a hard stinking workout, and one without a ceiling or top-end,” and then explores the elements that make up our program:

Gymnastics? Not a gimmick. Check.
Olympic Weight-Lifting? Not a gimmick. Check.
Barbell Training? Not a gimmick. Check.
Running and rowing? Not a gimmick. Check.
All these elements mixed together? Gut Check.

Brilliant. This is exactly what separates us from the rest of the fitness world. We’re cutting away the crap gimmicks and shortcuts. There is no 8-second Abs machine or ridiculous hula chair that will make you fit while you watch T.V. If you walk into Taylor Sport, SFCF or any other CrossFit affiliate worth it’s salt, you’re going to be expected to work hard. You’ll be provided tools to achieve your fitness goals quicker than you might with other training protocols, and you’ll be given a lot of support from the coaches and crew, but nobody is going to promise you fitness without effort.

Now ask yourself (if you haven’t already) if you’re nutrition plan follows these same principles. Our first and best recommendation comes straight from World-Class Fitness in 100 Words – “Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, less starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.” No gimmick there either. Meat, vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruit have been staples of our diet since we started walking upright.

Seems simple right? Then stop buying the crap gimmicks. If someone promises that a supplement will help you pack on muscle or drop a lot of weight quickly, it’s a gimmick. If someone promises you can eat whatever you want as long as you take the pill they’re offering, it’s a gimmick. If it has a label with a laundry list of ingredients, it is a chemistry experiment masquerading as food. If you heard about the product on a commercial, it shouldn’t be eaten.

Keep it simple. Apples, walnuts, fish, turkey and asparagus don’t require nutrition labels, ingredient lists, potential side effect warnings, and marketing campaigns. These are good wholesome foods that have been around forever. They are nutrient-rich and pretty darn tasty once you cleanse your taste buds of the massive quantities of sugar and salt found in most packaged foods.

Stay the course with good clean eating, stay away from the crap gimmicks, and you will find that your body is optimally fueled for the gimmick-free workouts that we’re throwing at you.

Coach Laura

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